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Unternehmen TDK-Lambda


TDK-Lambda ist weltweit einer der größten Hersteller von Standard-Stromversorgungen und Teil des japanischen TDK-Konzerns.

Wir produzieren heute in Asien, Amerika und Europa Produkte höchster Zuverlässigkeit und Qualität. Von unserer Zentrale in Achern aus betreuen wir den deutschsprachigen Raum sowie Skandinavien und Südost-Europa. Achern liegt verkehrstechnisch günstig an der A5 in der Rheinebene direkt vor dem Schwarzwald. Mehr Informationen zur Stadt und der Umgebung finden Sie unter Unser Firmensitz in der Karl-Bold-Straße ist bequem zu Fuß vom Bahnhof Achern aus erreichbar. Die Autobahn-Anschlussstelle Achern liegt in unmittelbarer Nähe.

Gerne können Sie uns Ihre Bewerbung an zusenden.

Wir bieten auch verschiedene Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten an, kontaktieren Sie uns hierzu gerne unter

Aktuelle Stellenangebote

Process Specialist für unser ERP-System (m/w/d)

Ort : Achern, Germany

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Praxissemester/Abschlussarbeit: Projektmanagement im Bereich Quality & Compliance (m/w/d)

Ort : Achern, Germany

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Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann (m/w/d)

Ort : Achern, Germany

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Ausbildung zur Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d)

Ort : Achern, Germany

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Ausbildung zum Elektroniker (m/w/d) für Geräte und Systeme

Ort : Achern, Germany

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Apprenticeships are a great way for young adults and adult learners to earn a wage while they are training in a real job, gaining relevant work based and academic qualifications and laying the foundation for a successful career. All our Apprenticeships are fully funded by the company.

At TDK-Lambda UK we are always pleased to welcome new Apprentices to our team. We currently have apprentices working and studying in all areas of our organisation from Sales, IT, Purchasing, Accounts and HR to R&D and Mechanical and Electrical engineering departments.

As an apprentice you will:

  • work alongside experienced staff
  • gain job-specific skills
  • earn a wage and get holiday pay
  • get time for study related to your role (usually one day a week)

There are 3 levels of Apprenticeships available:

  • Intermediate (equivalent to five good GCSE passes)
  • Advanced (equivalent to 2 A level passes)
  • Higher (Degree level)

You can apply for an apprenticeship if you are:

  • 16 or over
  • living in England
  • not in full-time education

Use the Vacancies tab above to find out more.

Training & Development

TDK-Lambda UK is committed to the development of its current and future workforce.

We will provide you with support while you develop your skills within your new job, including opportunities to attend in-house training sessions and apprenticeship programmes or external courses.

During your induction you will receive a personal development plan that will be reviewed regularly over the first 6 months and then form part of an on-going appraisal process.

As part of your continual professional development you can expect to receive:

  • A full company induction
  • An on-going training/ development programme
  • In-house mentoring
  • Regular reviews and development updates
  • Free access to internal and external workshops
  • Supported Apprenticeship programmes
  • Fully funded training opportunities

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