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TDK-Lambda News

PARALYMPIANS’ BLOG - Claire Cashmore

veröffentlicht : 03 Sep 2008

We arrived in Macau after a 12 hour plane journey followed by a one hour ferry ride from Hong Kong. I was travelling for a total time of 24 hours so was very happy to arrive at the hotel and be able to freshen up!
We were very fortunate to be upgraded to Worlds travellers plus which means a bit more leg room and a few other perks!!
This is my third time in Macau. Macau is an excellent venue for the holding camp with a fantastic hotel, excellent food and great facilities! There is the athlete lounge and gaming room here for us to relax in and socialise with athletes from the various sports. There are lots of games to play which is very amusing as athletes we all naturally get very competitive.
It is a multi sport holding camp the swimmers were one of the first teams to arrive.
I settled in quickly and training started straight away however we had a few recovery sessions to get over the jet lag.
Everyone is really excited and the atmosphere at the hotel is really positive as everyone is here for the same reason. I slept really well the first two nights so I was really happy thinking I had cracked the jet lag however I spoke to soon as the third night I had a total of 3 hours sleep. I woke up at 12 a.m ready to go training then realising what time it was attempted to get back to sleep but with little luck, I decided to read and watch 'Sex and the City' whilst attempting to be really quiet to not wake my room mate as she was still fast asleep. By 3 a.m I was still awake so decided to have a walk around the hotel. I eventually fell back to sleep to hear my alarm for training at 6 a.m not long later!!! When we all gathered downstairs to wait for the bus to go training it turned out that nobody slept! 

The weather is really nice about 30’ however it is very humid so it is not so pleasant. We are training inside so we don’t get to see very much of the nice weather.

I can’t believe we will be in Beijing in 5 days and I race in 10 days!! The thought of this makes me feel really nervous but also very excited.
