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We've included this handy glossary to help with the terminology & abbreviations relating to power products. Pick a letter below to begin.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z #Abbreviation for Open-Circuit Voltage.
See Open-Circuit Voltage.
Unit of measurement of Resistance and Reactance. Written as 'ohm'. Abbreviated to Ω.
The fundamental mathematical relationship between current (I), voltage (E) and resistance (R) discovered by George Simon Ohm. The passage of one ampere through one ohm produces one volt.
Abbreviation for Operational Amplifier.
The voltage when the circuit is open (no-load condition). See No Load Voltage.
A construction technique where the power supply (PSU) is not provided with an enclosure. Particular care needs to be exercised when installing an open frame power supply to ensure that adequate spacings and shock protection is maintained. Additional care needs to be taken to ensure that the unit is installed to meet the EMC standards and thermal performance.
The range of temperatures (ambient, baseplate or case) over which a power supply (PSU) is specified to operate safely and to perform within specified limits. See also Ambient Temperature, Storage Temperature.
A high gain differential input semiconductor device that measures the error voltage and produces at its output an amplified version of this.
Schematic Symbol for an Op-Amp (often the +V and -V are omitted)
Schematic Symbol for an Opto-Coupler
See Opto-Coupler.
The energy provided by the power supply or the terminals on the power supply which provide the output power.
The inductor in the output L-C Filter.
A protective feature that keeps the output current of a power supply (PSU) within predetermined limits during overload to prevent damage to the supply or the load. Power supply current limiting is usually designed to protect the power supply, not the load and it is advisable that the system designer ensures that the system is protected in the event of excess current.
Components used to attenuate output ripple and noise.
The capacitor(s) across the output terminals of a power supply (PSU).
See Internal Impedance.
See Output Choke.
The low pass filter in the output of a power supply (PSU) that smooths the rectified output to its average value. Also called an averaging filter.
The specified range over which the value of an output (voltage or current) can be adjusted.
See Periodic and Random Deviation.
The voltage measured at the output terminals of a power supply (PSU).
A feature that senses and protects the power supply from current or power overload conditions. See also Output Current Limiting.
A transient change in output voltage in excess of specified output regulation limits, which can occur when a power supply (PSU) is turned on or off, or when there is a step change in line or load.
Overshoot, Undershoot & Transient Recovery Time
A voltage that exceeds specified limits.
A feature that detects a high voltage condition and protects the circuit as necessary. See also Overvoltage, Crowbar.
Abbreviation for Overvoltage Protection.