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Power Supplies A to Z

We've included this handy glossary to help with the terminology & abbreviations relating to power products. Pick a letter below to begin.

A From 'A' To 'AWG'
B From 'Back Electromotive Force (Back EMF)' To 'Bus Converter '
C From 'C' To 'Curve B (or Class B)'
D From 'dB' To 'Dynamic Load'
E From 'Earth' To 'External Fusing'
F From 'F' To 'Fusible Link'
G From 'Galvanic' To 'Grounded'
H From 'H' To 'Hz'
I From 'I ' To 'Isolation Voltage'
J From 'J ' To 'Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)'
K From 'K' To 'kWh'
L From 'L ' To 'LVD'
M From 'Magnetic Amplifier (Mag Amp)' To 'Multi-Resonant Topology (MRT)'
N From 'Nano ' To 'NTC'
O From 'OCV' To 'OVP'
P From 'P' To 'PWM '
Q From 'Quarter Brick ' To 'Quarter Brick '
R From 'R' To 'RS485'
S From 'S' To 'System International d’Unites (SI)'
T From 't' To 'TUV '
U From 'U' To 'USB'
V From 'V' To 'Vss'
W From 'W' To 'Working Voltage'
X-Z From 'X ' To 'Zetta '
# From '°C ' To '°F '

Term of the day : 'ac'

Abbreviation for Alternating Current (Written in lower case 'ac')