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TDK-Lambda News

From classroom to workplace - TDK-Lambda Industrial Day Success

Posted : 07 Dec 2010

From classroom to workplace-Gary Cooper, Test & Configuration Process Expert, explains Lean Manufacturing Techniques to GCSE Engineering students of Great Torrington School

From classroom to workplace-Gary Cooper, Test & Configuration Process Expert, explains Lean Manufacturing Techniques to GCSE Engineering students of Great Torrington School

TDK-Lambda UK, a world-leading power supply manufacturer, successfully hosted an Industrial Day for ten
Year 11 students studying GCSE Engineering at Great Torrington School. Organised by their course teacher Mr. Sean Daley, the students were able to observe TDK-Lambda’s LEAN manufacturing processes first-hand and took the real-world engineering insight gained during the day back into the classroom for their controlled assessment module.

After a short introduction for the students to the company, Training Officer Jane Worley handed them over to Steve Smith, Manufacturing Engineer who split the pupils into two groups. Each group was given a tour of the manufacturing areas before being briefed about their ‘Challenge Task’.

The Challenge Task was to investigate, plan and propose ways to improve efficiency in a theoretical production area using LEAN manufacturing techniques. “Both teams presented their findings to a panel of three TDK-Lambda managers,” said Steve Smith, “who provided constructive feedback on the students’ recommendations. The managers were extremely impressed, both by the quality of the results and the enthusiasm for the task shown by the pupils.”

Thanking TDK-Lambda for hosting the Industrial Day and giving the students the opportunity to offer their input and expertise to a real-world issue that needed solving, Sean Daly commented: “I am completely overwhelmed at the experience the pupils have gained today. They enjoyed the Challenge Task so much that they were debating the merits of each team’s proposal during their journey back to school. The most impressive success factor for me, as a teacher, was to see my pupils being inspired; the experience gave them the chance to reflect on the importance of aiming high and, I believe, will help motivate them to strive for GCSE success.”

“We are pleased that the Industrial Day with Great Torrington School went so well,” added Jane Worley. “Each of the GCSE engineering students not only met but exceeded all of our expectations; they took a keen interest in observing our LEAN manufacturing processes that we’ve implemented within our facility, and applied this experience and their classroom skills to the Challenge Task with enthusiasm and great success. Well done and good luck in your GCSEs!”

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