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חדשות TDK-Lambda

Power Supply Manufacturer Recognised in North Devon for its STEM Engagement with Schools

תאריך פרסום : 27 Jun 2017

TDK Corporation is pleased to announce that TDK-Lambda UK has won the North Devon Manufacturers Association (NDMA) award for Engagement with STEM & Schools. The award is given to a company that has worked closely with a wide range of young people of all backgrounds and abilities to experience hands-on STEM activities which motivate, inspire and bring learning to life. Providing experiences that go far beyond the classroom – unlocking potential, widening horizons and inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, technologists and mathematicians.
“TDK-Lambda UK is committed to supporting STEM education,” says Tim Puttick, Production Manager for TDK-Lambda UK. “Our engineers are engaged in a range of activities with local schools and colleges in North Devon to foster early enthusiasm and interest of STEM subjects in young students.”
As a company TDK-Lambda UK has provided support for the Young Enterprise scheme, sponsored various Big Bang events and the Engineering Education Scheme. The company’s 5 STEM Ambassadors have taken a team approach and have been supported by all their staff, including Directors. “Our aim is to provide an insight into the opportunities that are available to young people if they choose to study STEM subjects,” continues Puttick. “and, throughout their academic life, we support them in developing the necessary skills to pursue these interests and turn them into a career.”
TDK-Lambda UK has manufactured electronic power supplies in Ilfracombe for 50 years and offers a range of STEM-focused career opportunities. For more information, please email Training and Development Officer, Anne Sutton, at: anne.sutton@uk.tdk-lambda.com