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TDK-Lambda News

Government Minister Vince Cable meets with North Devon business leaders

veröffentlicht : 12 Dec 2013

Business Secretary Dr Vince Cable, accompanied by North Devon MP Sir Nick Harvey, speaks to Phil Scotcher, General Manager of TDK-Lambda UK

Business Secretary Dr Vince Cable, accompanied by North Devon MP Sir Nick Harvey, speaks to Phil Scotcher, General Manager of TDK-Lambda UK

TDK Corporation is pleased to announce that TDK-Lambda UK helped play host to Business Secretary Dr Vince Cable, accompanied by North Devon MP Sir Nick Harvey, who met up with key business leaders across North Devon. In his recent visit to the region, Dr Cable joined with members of the North Devon Manufacturer’s Association (NDMA) for a business breakfast meeting in Barnstaple at Petroc, the local further education college, followed by visits to
TDK-Lambda and a large pharmaceutical company.

“The objective of the open session meeting with members of the NDMA was to get North Devon back on the map so to speak,” explained Phil Scotcher, General Manager of TDK-Lambda UK and Chair of the NDMA. Questions asked from the floor ranged from the general macroeconomic situation right down to company-specific issues, as well as ones concerning infrastructure and the kind of intervention status North Devon receives in terms of Government grant compared with other regions.

During Dr Cable’s tour of the TDK-Lambda facility, he visited the recently expanded R&D department where he saw the engineering team at work on new products before moving into the production departments. “He was fascinated by high speed auto-placement in the Surface Mount area and the work being done in assembly and test,” said Scotcher.

Dr Cable was also introduced to some of TDK-Lambda’s young talent. “Dr Cable spoke with interest to one of our DVT [Design Verification Test] engineers who joined us as an assembly operator and is now HNC qualified,” said Scotcher. “We have a long history of bringing new talent through the organisation; it was a good opportunity for Dr Cable to speak with him, to better understand his experiences first hand and our skills development program.”

After his tour, Dr Cable commented that it was a pleasant surprise to see the number of successful manufacturing companies in the area – he was not aware there was that degree of development, with companies like TDK-Lambda that are really outstanding – successful exporters, employing substantial numbers of local people and high levels of skills.

“It was a great honour to be visited by the senior government minister responsible for Business,” said Scotcher. “We hope Dr Cable has taken away a few ideas to explore and to think about how his government could do more to support science, technology, engineering and manufacturing in the UK.”
