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TDK-Lambda News

Employees team together to improve workplace efficiency

veröffentlicht : 20 May 2015

TDK-Lamdba employees participating in LEAD programme

TDK-Lamdba employees participating in LEAD programme

TDK Corporation is pleased to announce that teams of TDK-Lambda UK employees have received accreditation, after participating in a LEAD (Lean Education And Development) programme, which, in total, saved the company £15,000.
The LEAD course provides invaluable hands-on experience in developing various skills by involving the teams in real-life business improvement projects. The overall aim of the projects is to reduce cost by applying theory into real practice on the production line.
“Our manufacturing plant’s success is based on many ‘lean’ initiatives,” says Phil Scotcher, General Manager, TDK-Lambda UK. “We strive for continuous improvement – reducing or eliminating any activity that consumes resources without adding value.”
The 3 teams worked on various production improvement projects at TDK-Lambda’s power supply manufacturing facility in Ilfracombe, which included evaluating one piece manufacturing flow, reducing process scrap and applying the 5S workplace organisation method. 
“Upon completion the teams presented their success stories to the LEAD Group and, after validation, were presented with several nationally accredited qualifications,” adds Tim Puttick, Production Manager, TDK-Lambda UK. “Overall, the total savings achieved were £15,000 and gave all those involved a greater sense of ownership for their work place areas".
