פניה ישירה למענה מהיר
לחלופין, צור אתנו קשר בערוצים הבאים:
אם אינך בטוח איזה מוצר אתה זקוק, נסה את שלנו חיפוש מוצרים
ליקטנו מונחים ע"מ לסייע בהבנת המינוח והקיצורים השונים הקשורים בתחום ספקי הכוח. בחר את האות הרלוונטית כדי להתחיל חיפוש.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z #Abbreviation of farad.
The way in which a device does not meet specified requirements.
The time required for a Pulse to decrease from 90% to 10% of its maximum positive (or negative) amplitude.
A method of forced-air cooling used to maintain design temperatures.
Unit of measurement of Capacitance. Written as 'farad'. Abbreviation is 'F'
A conducting screen completely surrounding a space to exclude electromagnetic fields. Often put to a dual purpose: to block electric fields and to block electromagnetic radiation (RF shielding).
An electrostatic shield between input and output windings of a transformer. This can be used to reduce coupling capacitance which in turn reduces output common mode noise. See also Electrostatic Shield.
System redundancy to provide continued operation following specified failures.
Abbreviation for Federal Communications Commission.
FCC - An independent US government agency. Regulates the use of the radio spectrum and telecommunications within (or originating in) the USA. https://www.fcc.gov/
SI prefix multiplier. Multiplies by 10-15. So 100 fF = 100 x 10-15 F. Written as 'femto'. Abbreviated to 'f'.
A ceramic, soft magnetic material with low loss at high frequencies and which contains iron oxide mixed with oxides or carbonates of one or more metals such as manganese, zinc, nickel or magnesium. Invented by TDK's founder, Dr. Yogoro Kato and Dr. Takeshi Takeiin. TDK Corporation was founded to commercialize this material in 1935.
Abbreviation for Field Effect Transistor.
A transistor that relies on an electric field to control the conductivity of a 'channel' in a semiconductor material. They are sometimes used as voltage-controlled resistors. All FETs, [except J-FETs (Junction Field Effect Transistors)] have four terminals (gate, drain, source and body/base). J-FETs have no body. Enhancement FETs are normally off (a voltage applied between the source and gate increases the current from source to drain), depletion FETs are normally on (a voltage applied between the source and gate decreases the current from source to drain).
Schematic Symbol for a FET
A generic term for any circuit which performs some type of signal processing. Normally this is to remove/attenuate unwanted signals (noise). Noise filters for power supply (PSU) outputs (and inputs) are generally passive.
An output of a power supply (PSU) that is not connected to any other output or earth, usually denotes full galvanic isolation. Usually, they can be used as either positive or negative outputs.
A simple switched mode power supply topology. In most cases, it uses one switch and only needs one magnetic element - the transformer. Energy is transferred during the off-time of the primary circuit. They are generally limited to outputs of less than 200 watts.
Current limiting circuit that gradually decreases the output current under overload conditions until some minimum current level is reached under a direct short circuit. See Current Limit.
An isolated form of the Buck Regulator which is capable of producing output voltages higher or lower than the input voltage.
A low cost Printed Circuit Board material. Construction is from paper impregnated with phenolic resin.
A Printed Circuit Board material. Construction is from woven fibreglass mat impregnated with a flame resistant epoxy resin. It is much stronger than FR-2 but more expensive.
A diode used to provide a path for current to flow from an inductive device. See also Catch Diode.
The measurement of the number of times that a repeated event occurs per unit of time. The unit of measurement is hertz (Hz) which is repetitions per second (cycles per second – cps).
A power supply intended for use in Distributed Power Architecture systems to provide the ac/dc conversion. It will usually provide 12V output to supply Point of Load Converters directly. Lambda's range of front end power supplies includes the FPS1000 (1kW up to 3kW) and NV-350FEP (up to 350W).
Industry standard footprint for dc-dc converters. Dimensions are 116.8mm x 61mm (4.6in x 2.4in). See also Half Brick, Quarter Brick, Eighth Brick, Sixteenth Brick. Lambda's PAF range of dc/dc converters are examples of full bricks.
A circuit element, such as a bridge-rectifier, that rectifies both halves of the input ac wave to produce a varying dc output. Compare with Half-Wave Rectifier.
Abbreviation of 'fusible link'. An overcurrent protection device. See External Fusing.
Schematic Symbols for a Fuse
See Fuse