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Nuovi modelli da 5kW 1000V e 1500V per la serie di alimentatori 1U programmabili DC per test e sviluppo di veicoli elettrici con batterie superiori a 600V

Postato : 13 Jun 2023

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of two new models to the 5kW TDK-Lambda GENESYS+™ series of high-power density programmable DC power supplies.

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Convertitori DC-DC affidabili non isolati buck-boost da 300W con un'ampia gamma di ingressi e uscite

Postato : 26 Apr 2023

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) announces the introduction of the 300W rated TDK-Lambda RGC series of ruggedised non-isolated DC-DC converters

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Serie di convertitori DC-DC ampliata con modelli a montaggio superficiale e a foro passante da 6W e 10W

Postato : 30 Mar 2023

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of 6W and 10W models to the TDK-Lambda CCG series of DC-DC converters, suitable for either through hole or surface mount placement.

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Convertitori DC-DC full-brick da 1200W con ingresso da 200 a 425V ed efficienza 94%

Postato : 07 Feb 2023

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda PH1200A280 full-brick DC-DC converters for use with HVDC (high voltage direct current) input voltages from 200 to 425Vdc.

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Moduli AC-DC di correzione del fattore di potenza fino a 1512W in formato full brick per architetture di alimentazione distribuita ad alta tensione

Postato : 24 Jan 2023

AC-DC power factor correction module offers up to 1512W in a full brick package for high voltage distributed power architectures.

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Alimentatori esterni AC-DC compatti da 70W e 160W adatti per applicazioni medicali e industriali

Postato : 10 Jan 2023

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) announces the addition of the TDK-Lambda brand DTM70 and DTM160 series to the DTM family of compact medical and industrial AC-DC power adapters that are available in various power classes from 36W to 300W.

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Sei nuove configurazioni di uscita per la serie di alimentatori programmabili DC ad alta densità di potenza da 7,5kW 1U

Postato : 06 Dec 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of six new models to the 7.5kW TDK-Lambda GENESYS+™ series of high power density programmable DC power supplies

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Alimentatore modulare 1U fino a 800W con isolamento BF-ready e bassissimo livello di rumorosità (tecnologia brevettata)

Postato : 22 Nov 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand 1U high MU4 series of AC-DC modular power supplies

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Convertitori DC-DC half-brick da 200W e 300W con ingresso da 43 a 160Vdc per sistemi di alimentazione ferroviaria

Postato : 08 Nov 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda CN-110B series of half-brick DC-DC converters for railway power systems

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Il nuovo alimentatore AC/DC con gestione termica brevettata permette un design-in più efficiente

Postato : 24 Oct 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) is pleased to announce that TDK-Lambda UK’s Power Supply Apparatus patent application has been approved for grant by the UK Intellectual Property Office

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Convertitori DC-DC affidabili formato quarter-brick con ampio range di tensioni di ingresso 30-75W adatti per applicazioni industriali e ferroviarie

Postato : 04 Oct 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the 30-75W TDK-Lambda brand PYQ series of DC DC converters. The PYQ50 with 30-50W output power features a 12:1 ultra-wide input range of 14 to 160Vdc, and the PYQ75 with 75W an 8:1 input of 9-75Vdc.

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Convertitori DC-DC non isolati da 250W affidabili, con raffreddamento a conduzione e ampia gamma di ingressi e uscite

Postato : 13 Sep 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) announces the introduction of the 250W rated TDK-Lambda RGA series of ruggedised non-isolated DC-DC converters.

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Convertitori DC-DC affidabili formato 2"x 1" da 20W con ampio range di tensioni di ingresso 18:1 per applicazioni industriali e ferroviarie

Postato : 30 Aug 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the 20W TDK-Lambda brand PYD20 series of DC-DC converters

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Convertitori DC-DC half-brick da 200W con ampio range di ingresso 12:1 per applicazioni ferroviarie e industriali

Postato : 19 Jul 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the 200W TDK-Lambda brand PYH200 series of DC-DC converters

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Nuovi modelli da 0-20V 375A a 0-1.500V 5A per la serie di alimentatori programmabili di nuova generazione 1U da 7.500W

Postato : 12 Jul 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of very high power density 7,500W rated 1U high models to the TDK-Lambda GENESYS+™ series of programmable power supplies.

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Alimentatori medicali e industriali compatti da 250W 2x4 pollici raffreddati a conduzione o a convezione naturale

Postato : 29 Jun 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the 250W rated TDK-Lambda brand 2” x 4” footprint CUS250M series of AC-DC power supplies. The series is certified to both IEC 60601-1 and IEC 62368-1 standards for both Class I and Class II (double insulated) installations.

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Convertitori DC-DC da 40W e 60W 2” x 1” con input range 4:1 e schermatura a sei lati

Postato : 08 Jun 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand PXD40 and PXD60 series of 40 and 60W DC-DC converters.

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Nuovi moduli di alimentazione AC-DC 504W 12V e 48V raffreddati a conduzione con interfaccia di comunicazione PMBus™

Postato : 08 Mar 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of 12V and 48V output models to the TDK-Lambda brand PFH500F series of high-efficiency AC-DC power modules.

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Nuovi modelli di convertitori DC-DC da 1,5 a 3W con intervallo di ingresso 4:1 e funzionamento al 100% del carico a temperature ambientali di +85°C senza flusso d'aria

Postato : 03 Mar 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of 1.5 and 3W models to the TDK-Lambda CCG series of DC-DC converters which are capable of providing full load in ambient temperatures from -40 to +85°C with convection cooling.

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Sistemi di alimentazione programmabili configurabili da 30kW, 45kW o 60kW in singolo armadio rack 19" portatile alto 20U

Postato : 01 Mar 2022

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of 20U high, 19-inch rack cabinet high power solutions to the TDK-Lambda GENESYS+™ series of programmable DC power supplies

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