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Alimentations Modulaires FAQ

Sélectionnez votre question dans la liste ci-dessous

  • Qu’est-ce qu’une alimentation modulaire?

    A Modular Power Supply is one that is assembled (configured) using a variety of pre-built building blocks (modules). This gives the customer a maximum choice for his voltage, current, signals & case style.

  • Quelle est la quantité minimum que je dois acheter?

    At TDK-Lambda you can buy as few as one. Their modular power supplies are built using sophisticated manufacturing methods. The bills of materials are automatically generated, fed down to the production line and then quickly assembled using pre-built assemblies. Stock of the pre-built assemblies is managed by Kan Ban methods that trigger replenishment orders from the various workcells in the facility.

  • Sous quel délai puis-je obtenir une pièce rapidement?

    Because the modular units use pre-built assemblies, lead-time can be as short as 48 hours. Most modular power supply manufacturers, including TDK-Lambda, offer a quick-turn service and also have well-established VAR (Value Added Reseller) networks.

  • Sont-elles onéreuses?

    Not really. Prices have dropped substantially since 1980 when TDK-Lambda first introduced modular supplies. They can be very cost-effective in quantities from 1 to 5000 or more units/year.

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