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Nuovi modelli con uscita nominale da 5V a 28V, 12.5A si aggiungono alla serie di convertitori DC-DC buck-boost con ampio range di tensione di ingresso

Postato : 07 Oct 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of 12.5A 300W rated models to the i7C series of non-isolated DC-DC converters

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Alimentatori medicali da 30W wall mount conformi alla legislazione (UE) 2019/1782 sull'efficienza energetica

Postato : 27 Aug 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the WMM30 series of 25 to 30W medical wall mount power supplies

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Alimentatori medicali esterni Classe II da 36W conformi allo standard di efficienza EU CoC Tier 2

Postato : 17 Aug 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the DTM36-C8 series of 25 to 36W medical external power supplies

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Alimentatori programmabili DC da 1kW disponibili in formato 1U full rack o half rack

Postato : 07 Jul 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the G1kW and GH1kW series of 1U high programmable DC power supplies

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Nuovo brevetto per il collegamento modulare in parallelo per la serie di alimentatori programmabili

Postato : 02 Jun 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the granting of a United States patent for the GENESYS+™ series of programmable power supplies

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Convertitori DC-DC buck-boost non isolati da 300W con regolazione della tensione di uscita da 9.6V a 48V

Postato : 28 May 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the i7C series of 8A 300W rated non-isolated DC-DC converters, packaged with the industry standard 1/16th pinout

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Alimentatori 400W formato 3x5 pollici medicali e industriali forniscono 250W in caso di raffreddamento in convezione naturale o conduzione, con potenza di picco di 400W per lunghi periodi

Postato : 11 May 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand CUS400M medical and industrial certified AC-DC power supplies

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Alimentatori su guida DIN con ampio range di tensioni di ingresso DC ed uscita regolabile con potenza fino a 250W

Postato : 22 Apr 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand DDA series of DIN rail mounted DC-DC power supplies

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Convertitori DC-DC half brick da 600W con ingresso da 200 a 425V certificati EN 62477-1 (OVC III)

Postato : 09 Apr 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand PH600A280‑24 DC-DC converter

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La serie di alimentatori DC programmabili si arricchisce di modelli 200Vdc 5kW, 10kW e 15kW

Postato : 31 Mar 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of three 0 – 200V, 19” wide, rack mount, programmable DC power supplies

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La serie di convertitori DC-DC bidirezionali da 2,5 kW dispone ora di un più ampio range di tensione e di temperatura di funzionamento

Postato : 26 Mar 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the EZA2500W-32048 TDK-Lambda brand bi-directional DC-DC converter model to its EZA series.

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Alimentatori medicali e industriali da 600W formato 3"x 5" con efficienza fino al 96%

Postato : 02 Mar 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the 600W rated TDK-Lambda brand CUS600M series of AC-DC power supplies

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Nuova opzione di interfaccia EtherCAT per la serie di alimentatori programmabili DC

Postato : 09 Jan 2020

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of an EtherCAT interface option to all models in the GENESYS+™ series of programmable DC power supplies

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Nuova opzione di interfaccia ModBUS-TCP per la serie di alimentatori programmabili DC

Postato : 17 Dec 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of a ModBUS‑TCP interface option to the GENESYS+™ series of programmable DC power supplies

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Alimentatori industriali da 4.080W 24V con ingresso trifase da 350 a 528Vac

Postato : 04 Dec 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TPS4000-24 power supply rated at up to 4,080W at 24V

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Nuovi modelli di alimentatori programmabili per la serie GENESYS+™DC 1U da 2,7kW e 3,4kW

Postato : 26 Nov 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of 2.7kW and 3.4kW rated models to the TDK-Lambda GENESYS+™ series of programmable DC power supplies

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Alimentatori programmabili DC 1U half-rack 1.500W

Postato : 21 Nov 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the GH1.5kW series of 1,500W rated, 1U high half-rack wide, programmable DC power supplies

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I filtri 20A 40Vdc utilizzano circuiti attivi per proteggere i convertitori DC-DC da picchi di tensione in ingresso e sovraccarichi

Postato : 19 Nov 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda brand FQB series of 20A 40Vdc rated EMC filters

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I filtri EMI 20A 40Vdc semplificano la conformità in applicazioni complesse

Postato : 14 Nov 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda FQA series of EMC filters, with a rating of ±40Vdc at 20A

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Alimentatori modulari da 2000W fino a 18 uscite con basso livello di rumorosità e isolamento completo MoPP

Postato : 15 Oct 2019

TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the 2000W rated QM8B series of AC-DC power supplies with the capability of providing up to 18 outputs. This further extends the QM modular power supply series to now cover 550W to 2000W

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