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Nuova serie di alimentatori modulari 1200W - 1500W con la più bassa rumorosità e completo isolamento MOPP

Postato : 29 Sep 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the QM series of AC-DC power supplies; the first 1200W to 1500W rated modular series to have full MoPPs isolation, with the lowest acoustic noise available on the market at that power level.

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Convertitori DC-DC 120W ad alte prestazioni adatti per ambienti difficili

Postato : 19 Jul 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the 12V, 24V and 28V output HQA DC-DC converters, with additional output voltage models to be added in the coming months

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Alimentatori incapsulati Classe II con funzionamento a temperature ambientali elevate

Postato : 30 Jun 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the KWS-A series of single output 5W to 25W encapsulated power supplies capable of operating in ambient temperatures of up to 85ºC

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La serie di convertitori DC-DC non isolati è stata ampliata con nuovi modelli

Postato : 27 Jun 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of two further models to the TDK-Lambda i6A series of step-down, non-isolated DC-DC converters.

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Alimentatore medicale incapsulato con ingresso Classe II

Postato : 01 Jun 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the KMS-A series of single output, medically certified 15 - 60W encapsulated power supplies.

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Moduli di alimentazione AC-DC ad alta efficienza con rating fino a 1000W

Postato : 16 May 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the PFE1000FA series of power modules, representing a significant upgrade to the PFE1000F launched eight years ago

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Alimentatori industriali da 2500W in formato slim-line 1U

Postato : 28 Apr 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the RFE2500 series of AC-DC power supplies

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Alimentatore medicale ad alta efficienza 3"x 5" da 250W

Postato : 05 Apr 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda CUS200M series of AC-DC power supplies

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La serie di alimentatori programmabili GenesysTM 3U 10kW e 15kW si arricchisce di modelli High Voltage

Postato : 22 Feb 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of eight new models to TDK-Lambda’s Genesys™ series of programmable DC power supplies

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Convertitori DC-DC Point of Load a basso profilo da 40A

Postato : 01 Feb 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the iAH series of 40A Point of Load (POL) non-isolated DC-DC converters

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Un nuovo sito web adattativo per la scelta dell’alimentatore più adatto alle proprie esigenze

Postato : 28 Jan 2016

TDK Corporation annuncia che TDK-Lambda ha lanciato un sito web aggiornato che fornisce una maggiore reattività e pagine di prodotto migliorate

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Convertitore Point of Load a controllo digitale PMBus da 35A

Postato : 25 Jan 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the iJA series of 35A Point of Load (POL) non-isolated DC-DC converters with PMBus™ communication

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Convertitori DC-DC POL compatti da 12A con un ampio range di regolazione di uscita da 0.7V a 8.5V

Postato : 14 Jan 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the iCH series of 12A Point of Load (POL) non-isolated DC-DC converters, featuring a wide 0.7V to 8.5V output adjustment range

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Convertitore DC-DC Point of Load fornisce 20A da tensioni bus di 5V e 12V

Postato : 11 Jan 2016

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the iBH series of 80W, 20A Point of Load (POL) non-isolated DC-DC converters, featuring a wide 0.7V to 5.5V output adjustment range

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Filtro EMC da 10A con montaggio su scheda che offre eccezionali prestazioni in modo differenziale

Postato : 01 Dec 2015

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the iDQ series of 10A, 48Vdc nominal EMC filter modules

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Alimentatori medicali esterni da 65W con ingresso in classe II

Postato : 25 Nov 2015

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the DTM65-C8 series of medically certified 40-65W Class II external power supplies

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Alimentatori AC-DC esterni 165W con certificazione medicale

Postato : 19 Nov 2015

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the DTM165 series of medically certified 165W external power supplies

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Convertitori DC-DC 250W con ampia regolazione di uscita da 3.3V a 24V

Postato : 12 Nov 2015

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the i6A series of 250W DC-DC converters, featuring a wide 3.3V to 24V output adjustment range

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Alimentatore 350W con raffreddamento a convezione naturale e certificazioni medicale e ITE

Postato : 02 Nov 2015

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the CUS350M series of AC-DC power supplies

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Alimentatori compatti, con raffreddamento a conduzione naturale e potenza nominale 1000W

Postato : 27 Oct 2015

TDK Corporation announces the introduction of the CPFE1000FI series of conduction cooled AC-DC power supplies

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